This year’s Bible Reading Challenge focuses on the four texts read each Sunday morning. The challenge is to reflect on these four texts, hopefully after we’ve already heard them in church. Reviewing these text should remind you of the sermon that you heard or prompt you to listen (or re-listen) to the sermon on our website.
The goal for this challenge is expand our knowledge of these texts and incorporate God’s word into our daily living. As a devotional bonus, we will add the Prayer of the Day for that Sunday. Thus, for each week there will be a total of five readings.
Core Challenge. Read the texts (usually one each from the Old Testament, Psalms, an Epistle, and the Gospels). You can choose to read one each work day as a daily devotion, read all five each day, or pick one time each week to study the readings together.
Adventure Challenge. Slightly expanded readings (often a whole chapter or section) that provide some additional context or breadth.
Explorer Challenge. Suggests additional study or research that might pique your curiosity to learn a little more about Bible history, language, geography, or society.
For everyone, and especially for the Explorers, we recommend that you have available a good study Bible, a dictionary, and access to basic research tools through the internet or reference books.
Each day or week, you choose the Core, Adventure, or Explorer challenge, depending on how much time you have available. The challenge will be presented as a printout that you can pick up at church on Sunday morning. It will also be posted to Advent’s website under Spiritual Resources
If you accept the Bible Reading Challenge, we would like you to help Advent grow together as a community. Try keeping a journal to record your thoughts and reactions to the readings. (This will help you read more actively.) Then consider ways to share some of your thoughts and questions with other members.
Find the Weekly Readings here.