Welcome! Bienvenidos! Bienvenue! 欢迎!
We love visitors! Some are with us for one Sunday service and others return frequently. We welcome everyone and our congregation is diverse in many ways. Our emphasis is on building relationships across all ages. Children, young adults, "sandwichers" and seniors worship, learn, socialize and serve side by side.
What to Expect
Our parking lot entrance is off South 22nd Street. A greeter will welcome you at the Main Entrance and orient you with our facility, and an usher will give you a bulletin containing everything you need to participate in worship. You are invited to sit wherever you wish and join in the songs and prayers as you choose. Everyone is invited to receive Holy Communion. An unstaffed nursery is available if you have little ones. Voluntary contributions are collected during the offering and are used to support God's work through Advent. Stay with us after worship for refreshments while we get acquainted. Dress is casual.